Posted on 20th, March 2020
To all students of DFWJKD Academy
Due to the most recent Statewide order by Governor Abbott, all gyms are to be closed until April 3rd. We are suspending all group classes at DFWJKD effective Saturday, March 21, 2020. All individual private lessons will continue as scheduled. I am waiting for the weather to improve and plan on offering group training at my residence.
The Health and Welfare of our community is of utmost importance. It is difficult to know when we will be able to return to a normal schedule. In the meantime, we must use common sense to minimize exposure risk and pray for a resolution to the coronavirus pandemic.
In health,
Kirk D.Weicht
Posted on 19th, January 2020
Saturday, April 28, 2018
2:00 - 6:00 pm at:
Dallas - Fort Worth Jeet Kune Do Academy
328 W. Pipeline Road, Hurst, Texas 76053
Guro Roger Agbulos (Chief Instructor of Lameco Astig) returns to Dallas-Fort Worth for a one day seminar covering principles in Functionality, Economy of Motion and Non-Telegraphic Striking. Preemptive and intercepting strikes, counter strikes, broken-flow combinations, footwork and distance control, timing, feinting, knife and stick sparring, empty hands vs. knife self-defense strategies and applications are among the topics in this event.
Joining him is Guro Carlo Cruz (Lameco Astig Full Instructor) and Guro Tim McFatridge (Lameco Astig Full Instructor and ISGMA Head Instructor).
Cost: $50 early bird special if you pay by April 20th or $65 if you pay day of the event. For more information and to reserve you spot contact Tim McFatridge at 254-749-9528 or by email at
Posted on 16th, December 2019
...just a reminder. Happy Holidays!
Posted on 4th, December 2019
Happy Hoildays Everyone!
This year DFWJKD Academy will close for the hoilday week to allow our instructors uninterruped time to be with family and friends. We close December 24, 2019 then reopen on January 02, 2020.
Warmest regards,
Posted on 26th, November 2019
DFWJKD Academy will be closed for the Thanksgiving holiday, Thursday, November 28, 2019.
Please enjoy your time with family and friends.
Classes will resume on Saturday, the 30th.
Posted on 26th, September 2019
In regards to class closures in lieu of the seminar this Saturday, the 28th:
The Law Enforcement class will be held Saturday at the regular scheduled time.
The following classes will not meet:
1. Fighting Fundamentals
2. Group JKD
3. Kids JKD
Posted on 24th, September 2019