School News

Tai Chi Chuan Class

Posted on 27th, April 2018

The next scheduled dates for the BO (staff) class have been set!

Posted on 19th, April 2018

The next scheduled dates for the BO (staff) class have been set!


When:   Alternating Saturdays; May 5thMay 19th, 2018, etc.

Where:  DFWJKD Academy

Fee:  $30 per month

Ages: 16 & up



Posted on 17th, April 2018


Saturday, April 28, 2018

2:00 - 6:00 pm at:

Dallas - Fort Worth Jeet Kune Do Academy

328 W. Pipeline Road, Hurst, Texas 76053


Guro Roger Agbulos (Chief Instructor of Lameco Astig) returns to Dallas-Fort Worth for a one day seminar covering principles in Functionality, Economy of Motion and Non-Telegraphic Striking. Preemptive and intercepting strikes, counter strikes, broken-flow combinations, footwork and distance control, timing, feinting, knife and stick sparring, empty hands vs. knife self-defense strategies and applications are among the topics in this event. 


Joining him is Guro Carlo Cruz (Lameco Astig Full Instructor) and Guro Tim McFatridge (Lameco Astig Full Instructor and ISGMA Head Instructor).


Cost: $50 early bird special if you pay by April 20th or $65 if you pay day of the event.  For more information and to reserve you spot contact Tim McFatridge at 254-749-9528 or by email at

Free women's self-defense workshop

Posted on 5th, April 2018

Free women's self-defense workshop

Urgent - Parking Requirements

Posted on 3rd, April 2018

Effective Immediately:

We have been notified by the management company representing the open lot we use for overflow parking, on the west side of Eunice Street across from our building, to discontinue to park there.  Please fill all our parking spaces on our property first, then park along our side (the east side) of Eunice Street.  We want to be good neighbors, so if the parking situation requires you to park farther north on Eunice, among the homes, please be considerate.

Finally, we are not allowed to park against our brick building as it is a fire department violation.

Thank you for your immediate attention to this situation.

DFWJKD Academy


Tonight's JKD Class Cancelled

Posted on 2nd, April 2018

Tonight's JKD class at 8:oo pm is cancelled due to instructor illness.

No Strength & Conditioning Class on Good Friday

Posted on 29th, March 2018

The Strength & Conditioning class scheduled for Friday, March 30, is cancelled due to Good Friday.  Enjoy the day.

DFWJKD Academy

Closed Easter Sunday

Posted on 27th, March 2018

Easter Sunday Observation

DFWJKD Academy will be CLOSED Easter Sunday, April 1, 2018.  

Enjoy the day with family and friends.

Hoodies Now on Sale! $30

Posted on 16th, March 2018

The weather is warming up.  

Hoodies are reduced in price from $40 to $30.

Buy now and save.

Lost and Found

Posted on 29th, January 2018

Lost and Found

The school has accumulated multiple lost and found items. Most of these have been here for sometime. If any of these items in the attached photo belong to you, please claim them soon. Any unclaimed item will be donated to charity.

Prior to departing the school, please take a moment to be certain you have all your belongings. Your cooperation is appreciated.

DFWJKD Academy